Lock down Locked within: A close look at the shadow pandemic and women’s mental health

The article by Dr. Monica Das and Dr. Pratap C. Mothytyit is a grim world. Deluge is unacceptable. The unprecedented crisis due to the Covid-19 epidemic has led to an extremely large situation, so much so that the proverb light at the end of the dark tunnel seems to be equally disappearing. Some even call it the retribution of nature. If this is not enough, now we have countless problems combining the entire problem of the pandemic. Such a problem is the topic in hand and is one of the disadvantaged parts in our society – women. Apartheid of the world is known. Women always end everything. WHO, the United States Psychological Association, the United Nations and others have guessed that the pandemic in all the possibilities have increased domestic violence. The prolonged lock and the normal stages of Covid in India have certainly hid women in an important time. The uncertainty related to the pandemic and its consequences have brought a sudden change in the model of family communication, the working style of parents and their duties to children. Closing schools and daytime and providing work at home for non -essential services/businesses has caused the anxiety of mothers who are working. Overall, about 41.9% of women have neurological disorders compared to 29.3% for men in the world (Action Plan 2013-2020). The above data, we believe that the data must reach a new level in these unusual times. In India, the highest cases are from Uttarakhand (144), Hankana (79) and Delhi (63). The reality is very important to note that in the first week of the wide lock, 214 complaints were received by the National Women’s Committee (NCW), 58 cases of which are domestic violence (Bose, 2020). Moreover, 861 cases of domestic violence were registered. A common knowledge is that the image above certainly does not include countless cases not reported. A wise comparative picture related to mental health and other afflictions will give a better perspective for everything. Following the reports, disorders using addictive substances are reflected in the higher mental incidence in men (13.9%) than women (7.5%) (mental health survey. country in 2015-16). The risk of suicide of individuals observed is 0.9% (high risk), 0.7% (with moderate risk type) and the highest in the age of 40-49, larger in women, especially in special women. is from urban cities. However, depression and anxiety are the most common mental disorders worldwide in the case of women (the global burden of disease studies, by 2020). Survey of the latest national model, July to December 2018 (round 76 NSS) on defects reported that 59.8 % and 56.8 % and male corresponding to the respondents were surveyed with the fact that Mental mental retardation/intellectual disabilities always seek personal support for their daily activities. For figures for people with mental illness always seek personal support for their daily activities, this is 38.2 % and 34.4 % for women and men. The most important fact is that women who are losing access to important social support are destroying the lives of women. There is no need to say that a socio -economic and cultural phenomenon is brought into the life of contemporary women. Gender inequality is strengthened by the patriarchal system, early marriage/trading/ownership of the rejected/given political government is rejected/feminine migration/femininity There is no great access to health care establishments/even lack of healthcare/nutritional deficiencies, not missing domestic violence and many other cunning ways in which women (including women (including including Including girls) is a continuous victim. All of these are manifestations of discrimination. In addition, a girl born in poverty is to endure the discrimination many times. They increase the risk of mental depression even more. A vicious cycle of adverse effects is observed in the case of women. Perhaps there is no only experimental document to explore the impact on the mental health of women and socio -economic and psychological events in the context of India. It can be mentioned here that poor women are forced to get out of the official work due to domestic and cultural environment, which are also at higher risk of mental health issues. The question is how to operate and manage the environment can be developed to enhance the social and family status of women. People cannot close their eyes to ignore the disgusting crimes committed for women, although Covid-19. Countless cases are happening daily and now Hathras is in a vision and big and clear. The brutality and violence against women leads to a feeling of embarrassment and lowering themselves. This increases the risk of women’s health. The media are full of heartbreaking reports. How can we even expect women to maintain their alertness, leaving their mental balance alone? Let this be considered a social indictment. It is a high time, we stop thinking not to think about dealing with this specific problem related to women. There is no benefit that women’s welfare easily turns into welfare of society. Interestingly, the ideological system surrounds the actions and behaviors of men and women, falling when we see women stretching excellently when this occasion requires. The following lining will be actually actually evidenced above – “I can climb a coconut tree, but my husband will clean my children” (the farmer from Maharashtra). On an optimistic note, people want to say that the pandemic has taught us many things that we will not learn in the normal process of life. A very necessary coordination action for women’s care is emergency summoned. ‘Normal new’ can put everything in the viewpoint. Let us praise the care and protection of women as the need of hours. In the end, women are the breadwinner of our society. Let us throw away our insensitivity to the wild winds and emphasize the model – ‘The dignity of women maintained is the consolidated community life’. Professor Monica Dasassociate (former), Delhi University and members of the Special Committee, the International Women’s Economic Association, the United States. The author of the best -selling book ‘The other Women’, Harper Collins and ‘her story so far’, Penguin.Dr publisher. Pratap C. Mothyy*Assistant. Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, IIT Roorkee, * The corresponding author

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