Despite the constant dialogue around mental health, it is still believed that mental health conditions are very rare and cannot occur with ‘United States’. More often than we see their signs and symptoms in the near area but continue to live in rejection. Just because it is like physical diagnosis, no medical testing, it’s easy to despise it and eliminate warning signs. On the occasion of the mental health world on 2020, we talked to the leading psychiatrist Dr. Soumithra Pathare, who was also the director at the Center for Mental Health and Il Policy to Learn more about the mental health disorders and the development effects of the pandemic. This is a discussion about our conversation health is absolutely necessary and the whole world will talk about it on October 10, which is the World Mental Health Day. Answer: Although I am very happy because mental health is noticed to the day of mental health, mental health is a 365 -day love affair for me. I think the first thing is, while these days are very important and related when they attract attention, there is always a danger that it becomes a tokenistic that ‘oh, we have done enough for enough. Mental health because on the world mental health, we did xyz. ” With all this, I really think that mental health is an important issue. I am really happy that even our policy makers have begun to pay attention to it. Even the Home Union Minister, Preeti Sudan wrote two articles in newspapers, especially mental health. What Covid has shown us, it’s not far from mental health when you have physical health problems. For Covid, there have been mental health problems of the two types, one is a physical problem that people have problems. What Covid has brought is that you cannot say about physical health in isolation. Because people are not just the body, they are the body and mind. It is very important that we have this conversation all year round, not a specific day of the year. Many times, families and support systems are completely refusing a mental health disease in their family. They said a person should practice, talk to friends and they will feel okay. Your thoughts? Answer: Let me put it like this. If you have tuberculosis, you cannot get a little tuberculosis. You have TB or you don’t have tuberculosis. So, when does it reach a point when you need to meet a mental health expert or receive help from friends and family? You know, we all have days we feel sad and miserable. But you know when people have mental problems, it is different in quality. I think that is what people need to understand. For example, if you have a mild depression, jogging or exercise can make you feel better, it is a fact that has been proven. But the same thing is not true for people with serious mental health problems. There are layers and shades for it. For mild and moderate depression, exercise, talk to friends or do something can help. Depression as a word has become part of our common language. While people use it in normal daily conversations, experts use it in a technical and clinical way. Therefore, for an expert when they say someone is depressed, they are talking about a person with medical condition called ‘depression’. When an ordinary person talks about depression, they are referring to a low and sad person. When it comes to mental health, some really uncomfortable questions you are often asked? Answer: Well, the uncomfortable question that you get is, ‘Oh, but your disease does not have any evidence’ or ‘has a blood test to prove it?’ My view of this is, there are many medical conditions without a test. The simplest thing I can provide to you is migraine, no migraine test. So the idea that if you can’t do blood tests for something or you cannot prove it on a piece of paper, then it doesn’t exist. Mental health issues are a reality. The fact that you cannot prove depression through tests does not deny the fact that you don’t have it. I can give you some other examples without testing but are some serious medical conditions. There are some people saying that mental health problems are only for the upper class, they cannot happen to others. Therefore, when celebrities began to go out with their stories, there were those who say that it was all dramatic to attract attention. What are you doing? Answer: Poverty and mental health have a two -way relationship. And in two directions, that means if you are poor, you are more likely to have mental health problems. Gender is another big problem. We know that women have a much higher rate of mental health problems. Therefore, the idea that only the rich people, is not true. Children who have been exposed to abuse may have a higher proportion of mental health problems when adults and the poor may have a higher proportion of mental health problems. Therefore, basically, vulnerable people can experience it more than others. There is any such practice that when people do not make them fall into depression? Answer: I will explain this with the help of an example. People say that you have to exercise daily, because it is good for your health. But daily exercise means you will never face any health problems? Of course not. So should we give up exercise? No, because it does not help in many forms. Even if you practice these mental health exercises, it does not guarantee that you will not face mental health issues. But should you follow these practices? Of course, anything that improves your recovery is good to do. Talking about pandemic, some common issues are affecting people these days? Answer: The type of problem that everyone has dependent on the group they belong to. Like health care staff, unable to go home, not to meet your family, discrimination from neighbors. Therefore, they will have many common problems. But they will have nothing in common with a person who does not work in the health care industry. When we look at the popularity of mental health problems, we must consider the groups of people. Once again, the vulnerable people are the easiest. Women face an increase in domestic violence in the course, children face interrupting in the education system, the elderly cannot go out and meet friends and are isolated. It all depends on the group you are talking about. In addition, I do not think that there is no group that is not affected in the pandemic. The influence level may change but people have experienced it. I don’t want to generalize and say that this is a list of common symptoms. Because of the help you provide for different people from the elderly and adults to adolescents and children. You have persisted in using the phrase ‘suicide’ but instead said ‘dead by suicide. I started with the simplest. Death by suicide requires a small change in the use of the phrase. Some other reasons why I choose it is because it is easy to make a point of view, it is not controversial and easy to start a conversation about it. The basic point is to bring a conversation about suicide to our drawing room. Most people are afraid to talk about it. If someone pledged to commit suicide, they often said ‘Oh, he died in time,’ no one would solve problems of mental health or problems he might have experienced. The theme of the mental health world on 2020 is ‘kindness’. So, on a conclusion, what do you want to say? Answer: I think kindness is something, whether it is WMHD or not, you should show it always. Not only for people with mental health problems but also for everyone. It will also make people wonder if they will discriminate against people with mental health. Do we have sympathy or kindness to people who have no mental health problems than those who are sick? If this makes people think and change their attitude about it, it will be great.
How to have better conversations about mental health