‘Life flows on’: Vishaal Nityaanand’s movie aims to sensitize people on Alzheimer’s disease |

The screening of Director Vishal Nityaanand’s ‘Life Goes On’ marked the celebration of World Alzheimer’s Month in an event organized by Alzheimer’s & Related Disorders Association of India, Mumbai Chapter in association with Bhaichand Organized by M Mehta Trust. While September is World Alzheimer’s Month, World Alzheimer’s Day is celebrated on September 21. The day is celebrated to raise awareness about the disease and challenge the stigma surrounding it. The non-commercial screening of the film was well received by a packed auditorium at Nehru Centre, Worli Mumbai. Passionate about supporting social causes and bringing it to the masses, it is said that director Nityanaand has succeeded in hitting the right emotional points with his story.The film’s story follows three people with dementia, the challenges associated with caregiving and more. This screening, released in 2016 and still relevant today, was done to raise awareness, sensitize people and emphasize what needs to be done if the signs and symptoms confirm receive a diagnosis.

Dr. Zoya Ali Rizvi, Deputy Commissioner (Children & Adolescents. Health), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. New Delhi, India was honored to attend this event as the Chief Guest. Dr. Sanjay Bhide, Convener and Secretary, Trans-Asian Chamber of Commerce & Industry; Dr. Sadhana Tayade, former Director of Health Services, Ministry of Public Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Maharashtra; Dr. Ujwala Chakradeo, Vice Chancellor of SNDT Women’s University and people from all walks of life, faculty and students from the departments of psychology, gerontology and social work participated in the event.

The film was received extremely well with a Q&A session in the presence of Director Vishaal Nityanand, Dr. Vidya Shenoy as ARDSI Mumbai Chapter, Hon. Secretary and Founder; Smriti Vishvam: Cosmic Integrative Therapist and Dementia Care Expert gives real-life experience of what lies ahead and the arduous road that families must tread.

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