Let’s find out who robbed the office! Are you attentive enough to immediately see it?

You may not believe it, but simple puzzles can really help you in real life. Ultimately, you will improve your logic and attention. Agree that it’s annoying when someone touches your things and when they disappear…

Unfortunately, this can happen very often – especially in an office where a lot of people work together. Now, let’s practice your reasoning and logic skills to find the thief in this IQ test!

So imagine this. You walk into your office and some very important documents have disappeared from your desk. You suspect three of your coworkers, but each of them says they’re not even in the office. Find out who is lying. Take a closer look and see the reveal below!

And who is this, we are sure that our eagle-eyed readers figured it out from the first seconds. We hope you most importantly enjoy the process of solving it. Thank you for reading and sticking with us, we appreciate it. Don’t forget to share this article with your family and friends. Enjoy your time!

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