It takes perfect vision to find the swift on the picture. The ladies don’t see it.

Once upon a time, there were two best friends, Maria and Sarah, who lived – without sadness, in a cozy little apartment with a pet bird named Speedy. Speedy is a beautiful bird with shiny brown feathers. He always chirps throughout the house, making the girls excited with his cheerful personality.

One sunny morning, Maria was cleaning the apartment while Sarah was preparing breakfast, and as they went about their morning routine, they left the windows open to let in fresh air.

Suddenly, Speedy flew out the window and disappeared without direction. The girls were worried and quickly ran into the street to look for him.

They searched the entire neighborhood but couldn’t find Speedy anywhere. Friends are very upset and don’t know what to do. They went to a nearby park and asked people if they had seen Speedy, but no one had any information.

It is said that after that incident, many years have passed, the girls have all grown up but the mental trauma still lingers in them forever. And every time these women meet, they unconsciously listen to the chirping on the streets in the hope of finding their Speedy.

And do you see a sparrow in this photo?

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