It takes a special perception to see the animals in this picture.

Have you ever thought that animals, unlike humans, see things differently? Furthermore, each person is unique and sees the world around them differently. We are not talking about eyesight but about visual perception.

What is visual perception?

Visual perception is the ability to interpret the surrounding environment using light in the visible spectrum reflected by objects in the environment.

Let’s say your sibling asks you to look up at the sky because from their point of view, they can see a girl’s face in the clouds. No matter how hard you try to visualize the clouds in the form of a girl, you cannot. That’s what makes us humans different from each other.

Test your visual imagination with a simple picture. Look; the artist has depicted an ordinary ’empty’ forest. As you can see, the word ’empty’ is placed in quotation marks because there are actually animals in the photo as well. What animals do you see here? How many?

For better perception, we offer you the same black and white images. Maybe this way you can find all the animals because some people perceive black and white images better.

We are waiting for your answer in the comments section. We hope you can handle the task.

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