IQ Test: Just 2% of genius minds can find the mistake in the image in 5 seconds!

IQ test is a simple tool to test your intelligence. Do you have a sharp brain? Test your intelligence by finding the mistake in this picture within 5 seconds.

IQ tests are great for determining an individual’s intelligence. In these types of puzzle challenges, the reader is presented with a problem in the form of a picture puzzle.

These challenges evaluate an individual’s mental functions such as logical reasoning, pattern recognition, memory, and analytical thinking.

Practicing these tests helps a person build a sharp brain and develop out-of-the-box thinking.

Do you have a high IQ?

Find out now!


Picture Puzzle Challenge: Test your vision by finding the hidden fish in the picture in 7 seconds!

IQ test: Find mistakes in the picture

Look at the image below.

Source: Pinterest

Image of an office desk with an old telephone, calendar, clock, pen holder and some files.

At first glance, the image seems fine.

But that’s not the case.

There is a mistake in the picture.

Can you find it in 5 seconds?

If possible, you have a high IQ.

Your time starts now!

This IQ test is a great way to test your attention and thinking abilities.

Look at the image and study it carefully.

Do you spot the error in the picture?

Hurry up; Time is running out.

Scan the image accurately and see if you can spot anything unusual in the image.


Time’s up.

How many of you can spot the mistake in the picture?

Congratulations to those readers who did.

You have excellent attention to detail and have a high level of intelligence.

See also  Brain Teaser: Spot Who Is The Real Mother? Only 1% Intelligent People Pass This IQ Test In 5 Seconds!

Those who can’t can scroll below to find the solution.


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Test IQ with solution

The mistake in the picture is that the desk calendar says September 31, when September only has 30 days.

If you like solving this picture puzzle, share it with your friends and family and see how to solve it first.

Also, check out some other fun puzzle challenges from below.

Read more

Optical illusion: Find the leopard among the gazelles in 11 seconds!

Brain Teaser tests your IQ: Only 1% have a super brain that can find the word “CARPET” in 6 seconds!

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