IQ Test: Can You Solve this Matchstick Puzzle in 9 Seconds?

Only the brightest minds can solve this matchstick puzzle in 9 seconds. You can? Test your brain now!

IQ tests are challenges that require logical and critical thinking to solve. They are great for measuring a person’s intelligence.

In addition, these puzzles also provide exercise for the brain, helping to prevent cognitive decline in old age.

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Test your IQ with a picture quiz: Find the word “dunk” in a basketball court scene in 5 seconds!

IQ test: Solve the matchstick puzzle

Source: Pinterest

The image shared above depicts a matchstick puzzle with the following equation:

5 +7 = 2

It’s wrong.

Can you rearrange the matches so that the equation is correct?

However there is only one condition.

Read carefully then proceed.

The condition is “Only move one match.”

Now, you have 9 seconds to solve the problem.

Your time starts now!

Look at the image and study it carefully.

Have you solved the matchstick puzzle yet?

Hurry up guys!

Time is running out.

Keep searching.

Study the image attentively; You can solve it now.


Time’s up.

How many of you have solved the problem?

Congratulations to those readers who did.

You have an extremely sharp brain and high intelligence.

Those who can’t can scroll below to find the solution.

Brain Teaser to test your IQ: Find the dice with seven dots in 5 seconds!

Test IQ with solution

The solution to this matchstick puzzle is to move one matchstick from the plus sign and connect it to the number 5.

The rearranged equation will look like this:

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9 – 7 = 2

If you enjoyed solving this matchstick puzzle, share it with your friends and family and see who can solve it the fastest.

Plus, check out some more fun challenges in our recommended reading below:

Recommended reading

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