In this room, a parrot has hidden. Can you find the bird?

If we are talking about parrots that people keep in their apartments, unlike dogs and cats, they are not considered domestic pets. However, dogs and cats have lived with humans for centuries.

During this time, people not only domesticated these animals, but also created new breeds, so to speak – “playing with genes”. It turns out that dogs and cats evolved alongside humans and thus became household pets.

On the other hand, domesticated parrots are simply domesticated, which means parrots are exactly what they are in their natural environment.

By the way, thanks to Grigory Oster and his story “38 parrots”, in Russian the name of this bird is often used to denote an unknown unit of measurement.

Parrots are also known as people who wear bright clothes and are individuals who tend to repeat the same phrases over and over. Now let’s move on to today’s puzzle.

Look at this photo, it was published in a French magazine at the beginning of the last century. In this painting, the artist hides a parrot. Can you find this bird in the room?

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