In just 7 seconds, only a highly intelligent person could identify the apple in the beach volleyball photo!

You will stand out from the crowd thanks to your high IQ. Now go ahead and locate the hidden apple in this volleyball beach photo. Good luck! Let’s start your weekend happily with an intellectual puzzle.

This visual puzzle will test your perception and observation skills. It’s called a brain teaser. It will assist you in realizing the value of problem-solving abilities and a fresh perspective when qualitative and quantitative abilities are balanced.

Now, let’s continue the mission without wasting any more time. Brainteasers can be mathematical, logic or graphic puzzles. They are available in many shapes and sizes.


It promotes the development of knowledge, creativity and flexibility – all necessary attributes for generating unique ideas.

To become a puzzle master, the solver needs to have extraordinary observation skills and sharp vision. Divide the picture in half and examine each corner to discover all the clues.

Your ability to reason and use critical thinking skills will gradually improve, giving you the ability to evaluate a variety of situations. Now, we wish you luck. Watch the reveal below whenever you’re ready!

Here it is! We hope you discovered it within the 7-second time limit. Enjoy your time and work productively with us. We appreciate your support and interest very much!


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