In just 11 seconds, try to identify the subtle variations in the picture of a well-mannered youngster

It’s time to test your observation skills again with our game! Our subsequent quest for more information is driven by curiosity and knowledge.

Let’s get started! The painting depicts a child immersed in a book, using words to explore other worlds. He is a true geek, however there is a subtle difference between the two seemingly identical photos.

Finding these differences can be just as fun as going on a literary adventure, and reading the book is a wonderful experience. Prepare to explore the world of our young reader and find out what makes him unique through the written word.

Are you ready to start the hunt? Now let’s move! For this test, you should use all your concentration and visual skills to achieve success.

We wish you luck now and we are sure that you can do this. Don’t forget the limited time and try to be as fast as possible. Watch the reveal below whenever you’re ready!

Here it is! The only difference you have to realize is this. We really hope you did. Enjoy your time, work productively with us. We appreciate your support and interest very much!

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