In 12 seconds, find three differences in the picture of the girl jumping down the cliff. You can do this!

Spot the difference puzzles are a great way to improve cognitive agility and visual memory. Distinguishing the difference between two identical photos is a difficult task. Both children and adults love to solve them, and that is why we are very happy to present to our dear readers this task.

Strong mental capacity is becoming more and more necessary in today’s world. Playing games like spot the difference is a great way to improve spatial awareness and develop abstract thinking.

Therefore, spot the difference puzzles are a great way to pass the time and keep your mind active if you are looking for something fun to do.

Now, look carefully at the two identical images of the girl. There are three differences between them. Your task is to spot them all in 12 seconds. We wish you luck and we are sure you can do this. Watch the reveal below whenever you’re ready!

The following are the differences noted between the two photos. These variations give the text more context and clarity. Can you find 3 of them within the 12 second time limit?

We really hope so. Enjoy your time, be productive with us and enjoy solving other recommended intuitive tests!

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