If you find 10 items in the picture, you have a good imagination.

Online, a challenging test has been found, one that only those with vivid imaginations can pass. If your cognitive function is intact, you will probably find all the hidden things in the photo below within a few minutes.

This is quite a difficult task, especially if you have never seen an illustration before. Get rid of all distractions and focus because this task requires extreme attention and concentration.

Your task: Find a paintbrush, a mouse, a boot, a fish, a fourth bird, a boot, a kite, a needle, a spoon and a snake in the picture .

Scroll down to see the answer. This is where all the items and animals are hidden. If you find all 10—congratulations, you’re a genius! If you can’t find everything hidden in the picture, don’t be discouraged – keep taking attention tests and keep developing your imagination and intelligence.

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