I won’t say I don’t see a horse here. Even children found it.

It all started when our child brought this puzzle from logic class and asked what animal we see here.

What animal? We wondered, because it was just a series of stripes and dashes. How can you see an animal here?

But Sasha insisted that there was an animal in the photo and even said which animal it was. In his opinion, it was a horse. No matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t find a horse here. So we asked Sasha to show us, but he said that only teachers can show the horse, because they are required to draw its silhouette themselves, but he forgot What does it look like…

The next day we called the teacher to clarify the situation…

But now, answer this question – do you see a horse in this photo?

Those who have seen the horse – let us know in the comments – it is not clear to us. The answer will be below.

The next day, we called the teacher and asked why children were given tasks that even adults couldn’t solve.

But the teacher replied that 40% of students solved this exercise, and the correct answer to this exercise shows that children have a high level of mental activity development.

The teacher promised to give the child a picture with the answer, and we were very curious what this horse looked like.

We are waiting for our son to come home from school. It was finally 7:50 pm and our son arrived home. The first thing he did was take the answer out of his backpack and show it to us. And this is what we see. It was the same horse that kept us awake all day.

See also  Spot the 3 Mistakes Picture Puzzle IQ Test: Only 1 out of 10 can spot the 3 Mistakes in this Jogging Image in 12 seconds!

And really, there’s no arguing with that.

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