How you hold the phone can reveal hidden traits of your personality

(Image Credit: Jagran Josh) With technology and Science shaking everything around us, we are most of the time on our mobile phones, busy with social media or other apps . It is one of the most essential needs in our lives, which can also tell us a lot about ourselves. The way we hold our phones says a lot about our strengths, weaknesses, behavior, nature, and preferences. Let’s dig deeper. Holding the phone in one hand and using the thumb If you hold the phone in one hand and use the thumb of the same hand, your personality traits will reveal that you are a carefree spirit and have high self-confidence. Life’s challenges don’t easily shake you, but you accept whatever comes your way without complaining. You are confident in your abilities and always proactive to seize the best opportunities for yourself. Hold the phone with both hands and use only one thumb If you hold the phone with both hands and use the thumb of one hand then you are someone who tends to approach life with caution and priority. Prioritize the risk of avoiding possible losses. You are naturally empathetic and intuitive, so you have an outstanding knack for understanding those around you. Hold the phone with both hands and use both thumbs

If you hold your phone with both hands and thumbs then you are energetic and carefree. Your ability to quickly analyze situations and often come up with solutions shows that you have a sharp mind, personality, and are not afraid of change. You also excel at adapting and managing a number of demands and have a variety of skills.

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Hold the phone in one hand and use the index finger of the other hand

Your personality traits show that you have mental stamina and a high level of maturity but often make hasty decisions. So you want to carefully consider your options before taking any action. You also have thick skin and allow yourself to stay calm even in difficult situations where others might feel down. How you hold your phone tells you about your personality? Holding the phone with both hands while using both thumbs shows that you are more decisive and do not like wasting time. On the other hand, people who hold their phone with one hand are called attention seekers. Therefore, it is a researched fact that the way we hold our phones says a lot about our personality. Are body language personality tests 100% accurate? Sometimes, body language experts cannot interpret a person’s body language 100% effectively. There is actually a lot of research on the different meanings of nonverbal communication as they can convey confidence, nervousness, discomfort, disinterest and friendliness with just eye contact, handshake , open posture, hand movements, etc. Optical illusions when communicating Optical illusions are purely visual experiences that play certain tricks on our brain’s perception. There are certain neurons in our brain that influence the messages the brain receives, which are largely the result of what an individual perceives. Therefore, the brain requires certainty to determine reality based on objects that are only familiar to us and what it has seen before and then proceed with the final result. What does personality test mean? Personality tests are primarily designed to be tested systematically and accurately. in a format that provides detailed information about an individual’s preferences, interests, emotional capabilities, motivation, communication style, etc. How do you describe a person’s personality traits? Personality traits can include anyone who is caring, sensitive, assertive, stubborn, hardworking, ambitious, and trustworthy. You can also use words like your general feeling, way of thinking, and way of behaving. You can also include phrases like night owl, sociable individual, good or helpful planner, etc.

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