How to be happy – Times of India

Happiness is not something that can be forced, nor is it a given. For different people, happiness can mean different things. Having a good group of friends, a trustworthy family, getting your dream job, all of these can be sources of happiness. But instead of focusing on one aspect of your life, if you commit to overall wellness, it can bring lasting satisfaction, which is why adding some of the most Being consistent in your daily routine can be beneficial. Smile more (but meaningfully) A smile can brighten anyone’s day. It’s a ray of sunshine for many people who are struggling. Scientifically, smiling is also linked to the release of a feel-good hormone called dopamine, which is thought to make you happier and help you cope with stress. However, even though smiling changes your mood, it doesn’t mean you’re arrogant. smile all day. Make sure you mean it when you smile next time. Get enough sleep Not getting enough sleep is linked to various health problems and is thought to impair cognitive function. It is linked to irritability, poor concentration, and chronic diseases like heart problems, diabetes, obesity, etc. Additionally, a good night’s sleep is also important for mental health . Most adults need at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Therefore, a well-rested body equates to healthy body activity, keeping the mind and body at peace. Exercise regularly Although it is not possible for humans to achieve true happiness, you can reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression, if any, by exercising or being physically active regularly. A daily exercise routine keeps you in shape and is also beneficial for your mental health, boosting your self-esteem and keeping you happy. If you are not one to participate in intense exercise sessions, you can always choose to go for a walk, practice yoga or meditation or even incorporate 5-10 minutes of stretching. Eat mood-boosting foodsNot only do certain foods have a positive impact on your physical health, but they can also work wonders in improving your mood. Many studies have linked nutrition to mental health and emphasized the role of eating healthy foods to improve mental health. Consuming nutrient-rich foods is thought to improve overall brain function and certain mood disorders.

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Some foods you can eat to improve your mood are fatty fish, dark chocolate, green vegetables, hydrating fruits, nuts and seeds, whole oats, etc. Decluttering can help. Cleaning is the act of removing clutter or clutter from a place. It involves organizing your space and cleaning out a specific area like a closet or drawer. Although it sounds very tedious, investing just 20 minutes of time is enough. You can set a timer for however long you are willing to commit and start cleaning your closet, desk, drawers, and desk. Prioritize your assets and organize them in a way that makes them easier to find and locate. Do this at least once a week and see how good you feel about it. Expand your social circle (but enjoy being alone too) Having friends or being part of a community is important. It exposes you to many different types of people, helps you learn a lot about yourself and also gives you a sense of belonging. Meet friends regularly, spend time with family, and make plans from time to time. However, if you feel at peace being alone, do it. Sometimes, you also need to give yourself time to reflect. Take a break from your phone In the modern world, phones have become our best friends. It helps us gain knowledge, stay updated on new trends and opportunities, and connects us with our loved ones. But taking time away from screens is essential for your mental health. Social media can be a fun place but also full of negativity. Learn to unplug, turn off electronics, and get out into nature sometimes. Read, meditate or go for a walk. Reflect and acknowledge unhappy moments. Happiness does not come easily. Only when you learn to overcome challenges, taste failure and learn from your mistakes will you find true happiness. This is why you must reflect on your journey, acknowledge your unhappy moments and then see how far you have come. Have a plan and set your goals Never move forward without a plan. Know what you want in life. You may find yourself struggling for a while, but with a clear goal in mind, you are bound to achieve greatness. Keep a journal, stick to your goals, and revisit them when you feel lost. Having things in perspective will keep you satisfied in the long run. Don’t harbor grudges Being disappointed with someone you love or care about is a part of life. You may feel hurt and betrayed, but you have to ask yourself whether holding a grudge will keep you out of trouble. Definitely not! That said, avoid dwelling on grudges and learn to forgive. Only through kindness and compassion will you find happiness.

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