How this transition will affect the zodiac signs

The sun is the source of life and light on Earth and other planets turning around it. According to astronomy, the sun is a star, but in the astrology, it is considered a planet that constitutes the soul energy of the indigenous people. It indicates authority, power and dominance. When placed in a favorable position, it blessed the native people with the will, courage, confidence and good leadership skills. When it is present in a weak position, it can contribute to heart problems, vision, color blindness.

In transit sun on climbing

The movement of the planets in astrology has a great meaning because it changes the events that take place in all the zodiac. Such a conversion process will take place on August 17, 2021, when the sun will move from Cancer to a lion.

Lion fire is ruled by the sun. Therefore, this conversion process will improve leadership skills, confidence and immunity. The fiery planet will be in this palace for a month until September 17 then it will move to Virgo. This is how this conversion process will affect all 12 signs of the zodiac in astrology.

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