How photography can be therapeutic and boost mental health

In today’s digital age, it is rare to find someone without a smartphone or camera. From capturing picturesque landscapes to taking selfies, photography has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. While photography is often associated with preserving memories and sharing moments, recent research shows that it can also have a profound impact on mental health. Photography provides a non-verbal means for individuals to express and communicate their emotions, especially when they find it difficult to express their feelings. This can be especially helpful for people suffering from conditions such as depression, anxiety or trauma.

Research on the impact of photography on mood

A 2016 study titled ‘Promoting positive affect through smartphone photography’ investigated how smartphone photography could be leveraged to help individuals increase affect their positivity.2The researchers designed and conducted a four-week study with 41 participants. Participants were instructed to take one photo a day under one of three conditions: a selfie with a bright smile, a photo of something that made them happy, and a photo of something that makes others happy. After three weeks, the researchers found that participants’ positive affect in all conditions increased.

Enhance memory

According to research by Professor Denise C. Park from the University of Texas, photography is a highly cognitive activity that helps keep the brain healthy. In her study, digital photography participants were able to enhance and improve their episodic memory and reasoning skills.

Therapy tools

Some mental health professionals use photography as a form of narrative therapy. Patients are encouraged to take photographs that represent their experiences, which can then be discussed during therapy sessions. This can help people better understand their feelings and experiences.

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Progress documents

Keeping a photo journal or documenting personal growth through photos can provide a visual record of therapy or recovery progress. Seeing how far they have come can be motivating and reassuring for individuals.


While photography can be a valuable therapeutic tool, it must be recognized that it is not a substitute for professional mental health treatment. It can complement traditional therapies and self-help strategies, but people with mental health conditions should seek guidance from mental health professionals for a comprehensive treatment plan.1Additionally, it’s important to balance photography with being present, as excessive photography can have adverse effects on mental health. Use photography as a tool for self-expression, connection and mindfulness, and enjoy the positive impact it can have on your life.

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