Here’s how sportspersons are taking care of their mental health amid the pandemic

World number two tennis player Naomi Osaka withdrew from the tournament French Open has once again focused on the importance of mental health. Naomi, who has spoken about her battles with anxiety and depression, has refused to make mandatory media engagements saying they are harmful to her mental health. The ongoing pandemic has posed serious mental health challenges for sports players, especially those participating in individual sports. The constant cancellations and rescheduling of events, traveling alone, the need to stay in bio-bubbles and away from family for long periods of time during the event. The pandemic has been difficult for them. “Even though I have been working in this field for two decades, this is an unprecedented challenge,” shares Mugdha Bavare, a senior sports psychologist who works with a number of elite athletes. yes for all of us. As athletes deal with injuries or other issues, we have an accurate idea of ​​when they can begin training again. But while dealing with a pandemic, there is so much uncertainty and the resulting pressure and anxiety that has been difficult for athletes. Along with anxiety and pressure, we often see a drop in motivation.”We spoke to some of the country’s top sportspeople to find out how they are dealing with the situation.

Ankita Raina

I focus on what I can control and try to find solutions:

Ankita Raina, Tennis Player


Anxiety and panic are natural when a person does not know what is going to happen and the situation is not within their control. We fear the unknown and sometimes I feel quite nervous. Athletes who primarily participate in individual sports face more challenges. There are financial constraints and so in most cases we have to do it on our own and without a team/coach with us. During the pandemic, being away from family for months at a time makes things difficult. Add to that the pressure of tournaments and it’s not easy to deal with.

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Coping mechanism:

I try to think about what I can control and what I can do in a particular situation. I also think about the worst that could happen and that relaxes me a bit and helps me try to find a solution.Harmet3

Harmeet Desai

I meditate regularly and stay optimistic:

Harmeet Desai, TT Player


Since I was in Germany, it was a difficult time for me emotionally. In the midst of that, my parents tested positive for COVID-19 and my father was even hospitalized. That made me feel helpless and I had to talk to my mother on the phone for a long time. Just before the lockdown hit in 2020, I was in the best form of my life but the long layoff affected my pace and there was also some self-doubt.

Coping mechanism:

How you perceive a situation is also important. While I was disappointed that I couldn’t workout during the lockdown, I told myself that I should feel grateful for the opportunity to spend seven months with my family. I’ve spent a lot of time with them after 15 years! Meditating, talking to a life coach and remembering moments from the past, when I recovered from a bad period, have helped a lot.mana_patel

Maana Patel

I seek therapy if necessary and without much effort:

Maana Patel, Swimmer


I had never been away from the pool for so long and it was a difficult period. I kept thinking about how I would face the world and what people would think of me if I didn’t perform well. I’m scared to go out and perform again.

Coping mechanism

: I started with small steps and didn’t text myself as I continued working out. It’s important to be surrounded by positive people and I also talk to a therapist when I feel too anxious. When you are going through a stressful period, no one can force you to do things that you are not ready for at that time.zeeldesai(2)

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Zeel Desai

Sometimes I take a break and turn off the game:

Zeel Desai, Tennis Player


More than being nervous, I also feel homesick every time I go to watch my matches. It’s not easy being away from family when there is so much turmoil around.

Coping mechanism:

It’s important to make sure you have your own space and don’t worry too much. Taking a break from time to time is also helpful. In between, I completely stopped playing tennis for a week and it felt so refreshing.

Expert advice

We tell athletes that while we don’t know when this pandemic will end, it will definitely end at some point. So, one should start planning what can be done from now on – I call it “setting goals”. They should think ahead and plan what they want to achieve in the next six to eight months. For example, it could be winning a national title or placing in the top three in their sport. When you set a goal, you have a certain perspective and can make a plan about what you can do from now on to achieve that goal. It’s important to focus on what you can achieve instead of constantly thinking about things that are beyond your control. It can help control your anxiety to a certain extent and help motivate you.

Mugdha Bavare, senior sports psychologist

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