Social anxiety, also often called social obsession, is an anxiety disorder in which a person has excessive or unreasonable fear of social situations. Under this overwhelming behavior, the fear is carefully considered, evaluated or shameful in public. “The feeling of anxiety or self -awareness is quite common for specific events such as public or interviews. Fear of general fear when interacting with people, “said Urvashi Upadhyay, Master Life Coach & NLP Actionerone quickly to deal with this type of anxiety is prepared ahead of time. Write down a set of commands for phone calls, practice in front of a mirror before an event or a social context. Allows yourself to be perfect and remind yourself that you are more likely to think more than you think. Help to know that in order for you to experience any anxiety, you must have some thoughts that occur in your mind in a conscious or unconscious way and the emotion of anxiety is just a response to the quality of the quality. That thought. Remember, just because one thought lies in your head, does not mean it’s true ..! TIP TIP 1: Challenge negative thoughts if it’s really true or are you reading and predicting the worst results? Tip 2: Focus on the thoughts you want to create – you cannot pay attention to two things at the same time. Focusing on what you want is also a suggestion for your unconscious mind about your intention. 3 Practice any ‘deep breath’ technique, one thing that is easy to remember is to inhale and out of 4 counting and hold between 4 times. Tip 4 – Facing your fear and effort to become more society – it is important to start with a situation that you can handle and gradually your way to solve situations. More difficult, build your confidence and confrontation skills, instead of avoiding social interactions. Work on your communication skills. Normally, remember that the mind and body are essentially linked together, so the application of a healthy lifestyle including exercise, meditation, mindfulness and the intention of the day will always be Help keep worries.