Stress and anxiety have become a household name now and above all the situation of Covid-19 has made it worse. Although anxiety can make your body go through all the pain in the form of a panic attack, stress can be quite harmful to your mental health. This easy -to -implement 4D technique can not only pull you out of your own thoughts but also let you rest. Deep breathing or not, practicing deep breathing can reduce your anxiety in a bad voice. You can practice deep breathing in just a minute, it is at any time of the day. It will help you get rid of negative thoughts and will give you the energy that is essential to proceed with the rest of the day. Resting of the day is optimal to keep peace of mind and keep your productivity at the highest level of all time. Drinking a glass of water flowing down a glass of water can not only cool you but also provide a wave of relief immediately. Make sure you always sit down and sip patiently. It is all about breaking a series of negative thoughts and a glass of water will do it. Water will also keep your body hydrated. Excessive delays and thoughts not only waste your time but also ruin the tasks in hand. Negative thoughts can tame you at any time, maybe in the office or right before bed. Use the delay to push those thoughts for a while. If the negative thoughts around you in an important office meeting, just tell yourself that you will solve these troubles after finishing the job. To use this stressful management method, you need a strong order of your will. Periods whenever stress overwhelming you, looking for something to do. Usually sitting idle and nothing to do can make you think of the ‘worst case’ that causes anxiety. Regarding yourself by performing an activity you like or something that makes you busy. This will effectively transmit your energy and keep worrying thoughts. Everyone experienced stressful situations over time. All are so boiling that your effectiveness is to deal with. If you also have regular stressful episodes, use this great 4D technique to deal with it.