Five habits to kick-start a day with a motivated mindset

First, let’s address what motivation means and where it comes from. Let’s say you’re a car and one of the most important internal parts of your car is the spark plug. You may wonder how this applies to motivation. Well, spark plugs are like an internal spark of energy for your car’s engine. It is the tube that ignites the air and fuel mixture in your car to create a spark that helps your car generate power. Just like a car needs spark plugs to run, you also have a set of spark plugs inside, which can be called the internal driving force. This empowers you and gets you excited. The cause of excitement does not come from external sources, but from what you find enjoyable and satisfying. Summer Watson, MHS, PhD and Jen Fontanilla, Certified Money Coach suggest these five habits that will help you start your day with a motivated mindset: 1. Make time for sleep. The obvious reason to sleep is to feel rested and ready for the day ahead. It also supports better focus and productivity. Getting quality sleep has a direct impact on how you perform during the day, which will support your overall motivation to achieve your goals and complete daily tasks.2. Don’t hit the snooze button multiple times before waking up. When your alarm goes off, it’s time to wake up. Hitting the snooze button repeatedly can make you feel unwell during the day, which can mimic jet lag and cause daytime fatigue. Waking up after that first alarm will support your sustained energy and motivation throughout the day.3. Before you take your first step out of bed, think of one thing you’re grateful for. This is an important habit to have as you start your day as it can positively impact your mood, help align your thoughts with your behavior and according to many studies, It supports overall health by reducing anxiety and stress.4. Stretch your body for at least ten minutes every day. This will help you relax, be flexible, feel more comfortable because your body is less rigid, and help reduce stress. Stretching helps regulate the mind and body by reducing stress, which in turn supports the way you react to situations in everyday life and will increase oxygen levels for better focus, memory and energy. 5. Embrace your passion. Go back to basics and understand what excites you, gives you energy and joy. Take time out of your day to discover what stimulates your thinking and creativity and lean into that passion. You may find that by reawakening or discovering new passions, you will feel an incredible sense of freedom and motivation to start each day.

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