First weekend after Lockdown: Here is a detailed weekend plan that covers all your needs!

The first weekend after the course: This is a detailed weekend plan including all your needs! As the world continued to struggle with the boom of Covid-19, everyone around the globe went into isolation. When you think about it, the entire Coronavirus pandemic course and its consequences seem to have been raised straight for the poor science fiction film. This outbreak force us to change the way we live our lives and withdraw us to our bullets, to fight a battle against a creature. Naked eyes. However, even in the isolation, isolation and locking time is important to take a step back and ponder everything you have. You have a roof on your head, you are absolutely capable of working at home without having trouble traveling, you have your family members with you, you have electricity, gas to cook fresh food and Many OTT platforms to keep you entertaining. So, if a weekend plan is what you are looking for, we have helped you be insurance. We have made a detailed weekend plan with a series of suggestions and options to choose and choose. We tried our best to make sure you don’t miss the Saturday night and Sunday morning party as much as you. Remember, we are together and we will overcome this together. Until then, keep safe, stay in your home and think about it as the universe tells you to pause your increasingly busy lifestyle. Your weekend plan, the key is to wake up early so you don’t spend all day looking around the bed and felt irritable at the end of the day. No wonder, early, we don’t mean waking up at 6 o’clock and starting to work. So, plan to achieve the latest newspaper before 11 pm (as soon as possible, the better) on Friday night to make sure you don’t sleep on the alarm clock in the morning. This is the weekend! Corona's lifestyle

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8:00 AM: Wake up the latest at 8 am and do some extended before you jump out of bed. 8: 30 Morning: After refreshing, drink a glass of warm water. Time for some cooking. Today we are removing regular eggs and bread for delicious Saturday breakfast. We are making protein pancakes! If you do not know the recipe, a Google quick search will tell you 5 ingredients recipes will not take more than 15 minutes to cook. If the cakes are not yours, you can always eat stir -fried vegetables. They are quick, easy and extremely healthy. 10:00 AM: Now you have packed energy, it’s time to place your gear and be cleaned. So make sure you put your mask and gloves before you get a broom and clean. The statement of your learning and dressing table and throw away everything that has expired or broken. 12: 00 pm: Saturday is to take care of yourself, even if you are a guy! So, whether it’s your beard need to decorate or your face needs a bit of rub, it’s time to whip the mask, exfoliate your body and hair mask. We recommend paying special attention to your hands, may be subject to the burden of making daily dishes. After that, the bathing was relaxed. 1 pm: You can take this opportunity to stir something healthy, instead of the usual greasy food from office canteen. Our advice? Try corn with soybeans and fresh Chapatis. 1:45 pm: When you finally sit down to enjoy the labor of love, it is important that you keep the device aside to focus on your food. Sitting with your family members, making this time is an excuse to talk, to ponder the day and about recent events. It will make you feel a little more comforted and much more consistent. 2: 00-2:30 pm: Wash the dishes you used from morning and put them aside. Believing us, although it seems like a little work right now, you will thank us tomorrow. 3:00 pm: There are a range of online skills development courses and many of them are free. Place a little light music on your PC and start digging for the process you choose. Infact, there are many courses on Google Digital has unlocked. Do not stand up without registering for a course. 4:00 PM: If you have not seen the infection, we recommend that you microwave a little popcorn and go for it. The plot of the film revolves around a virus broken outbreak similar to what is happening right now. In addition, you can also take a book from your shelf and dust. We are planning to read a era of Shashi Tharoor’s darkness. 6:00 PM: Unable to go to the gym is not an excuse to stop working! So stand up and move. From converting your butt to Bollywood music to a high -intensity cardiovascular session. The Internet is filled with work from family videos and we do not receive an answer. 7: 00pm: The video calls your parents if you live away from them, ask them how they have done and notify them about how to keep it safely and indoors. Take advantage of this time to talk to a friend who doesn’t seem to do well, he will appreciate that. The video calls your gang and watches what they are doing. You can also play a psychological game together, trust us, it is crazy joy. 8:00 pm: It’s time for music in your life. Ask your friends to share their best music list and dig old songs you have ever loved and create a list of music from them. It will be useful to the next time you want to focus on your work but you cannot worry about music or mood. Also, how long has it been since you drum and disinfect your phone? Yes, not only your smartphone needs some spaces to breathe, but you also need to clean it thoroughly by drying. 9:00 pm: Turn on some motivated Ted Talk videos and we can guarantee you everything will not be the same. You can start from the 10 best TED conversations of the year and you will have a series of options to choose from. On sweets. Take 1 teaspoon of coffee beans, whiskey 60 million (optional) and 2 cups of coffee or cold milk and mix until smooth. Use your cotton cream for topping and cold coffee ready to enjoy! 10: 00 pm: If you have not tried to write down your thoughts before, we recommend that you choose and pens and paper and start writing anything that appears in your head. Think of it as a safe space for all the thoughts that bother you and you cannot share it with anyone else. 11:00 pm ideal, this is the time you have to hit the sheet because it will help you retain the light on your face and wake up without wanting to kill anyone on Sunday morning. A little more time to sleep, the schedule will keep more or less the same. It will make sure you don’t miss my time, your job and even start learning something new! Have a nice weekend!

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