Find the 3 differences between the two images that appear to be the same. You have 10 seconds

In this visual IQ test, you only have 10 seconds to find 3 differences between two images. Optical illusions like this are visual phenomena that trick our eyes and brain into seeing something that isn’t there.

So here’s a great mental and cognitive exercise for you, so let’s get started!

One of the many factors that can cause optical illusions is the brain’s attempt to make sense of conflicting or ambiguous visual inputs. To complete the job in this test, it is important to accurately compare the photos and win the illusion.

Concentrate and make the most of your visual abilities and attention. This will highlight the complex relationship that exists between the eye and the brain and how easily certain circumstances can distort our perception.

Set a time and get going. When you’re ready, check out the reveal below and see the correct answer!

The differences of f3 are listed here. We sincerely hope that the allotted 1o second window will allow you to find them all.

Remember to forward this post to your friends and family so they can test their visual skills too, that way you can also show your support for us. We appreciate your interest and visit. Enjoy your time and work productively with us!

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