Find it difficult to say ‘No’? Here is how you can get comfortable with it

Do you feel guilty after saying no to someone who asked for your help? Well, there is absolutely no problem in helping those in need, but it should not pay for your comfort. You must not do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or forcing you to do something is not a part of your morality. If you also find it difficult to say no to others, these are some tips to be comfortable saying that. Accepting that saying that ‘no’ is not a crime that you are not a superhero and cannot always help those in need. Completely okay to say no, if you feel you can’t do something that someone has asked you to do. Always try to help people, but never make it obliged to be present for everyone, anytime. Saying is not a crime, starting slowly and gradually and you feel starting to notice the difference for a while. Place the boundary you must set a clear boundary for yourself. Help people just need if what he asks you to follow your morality. Do not overcome your boundaries in an effort to help others. It is natural to feel like helping others, because a human being is a social animal and is happy from helping others. Nothing you do makes you regret later or hanging with your own conscience. Say it politely if you feel you will not be able to support others, and refuse politely. Or tell them the real reason behind your refusal or introduce them to someone who can help them. If you can’t give them support the way they are asking, promise them to help in a different way possible. Do not blame yourself the needs of others should not become your responsibility. It is absolutely good to help someone once by stepping out of your comfortable area, but make sure you never blame yourself for not being able to help. Feeling guilty after saying no to someone is a sign that you are blaming yourself about their problems. You must prioritize your needs, otherwise people can take advantage of your kindness.

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