Feeling lost, lonely and uninspired? Ways to glide through quarter-life crisis

While this pandemic and the closing then affects people in one way or another, more and more young people are from the age of 20 to the beginning of the 30 feel anxious, insecure, depressed. Or not sure in life. While many people have lost their jobs, some people who have a big dream is to start a new career, they find themselves trapped at home, can not do much to inspire and hope for the future. We learn more about the crisis between life and how to deal with it

Can not maximize time and opportunity

Normally, the twenties are the period when we have to live our best life by making the most of the opportunities before stabilizing life and dealing with tensions from middle age. Unfortunately, the younger generation is experiencing a crisis between life, an emotional situation that is motivated by a series of aspects of structure, finance and techniques beyond a person’s control. “The crisis of a quarter of life is the period of seeking strong soul and anxiety occurred from the age between the age of 20 to the beginning of the 30th. People who are sick, although may be motivated and highly likely, but, but but Being in trouble because they feel they do not achieve potential or feel that they, for example, you may have gained a dream job after graduation, but you realize that life in the office has squeezed Death your creative ability or despite having a high degree, you are still unemployed due to the pandemic situation, “Kanchan Rai, a mental saying and a coach about emotional health. Rai added: “Most of the satisfaction of the younger generation will be based on the way they navigate these transitions and turn the crisis into an opportunity.”

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Social media and continuous comparison

With social networks trying to show the best and most successful aspects in everyone’s lives, it will definitely make you ask yourself, especially for those who are not smart about Emotional face. “Each of us must understand that social networks are a virtual world. We do not know what is really behind the scenes. Everything you see is not necessarily true. It seems that they have done very well, but many of them possess the borrowing material or live thanks to the wealth of their parents. Slightly, etc., if you are the one who is comparing each of them. Hanh, dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction. The result we live in turning us from focusing on trying and trying to focus on always bring excellence. Although these things may sound great in the meeting room, training programs and leadership development courses, it is important to realize that sometimes it is not always high performance. , especially when a person is pushing himself to the verge and collapsed, “Clinical Psychologist Priyanka Varma.

Pandemic and its impact on the mental health of the Millenial world

The pandemic forced young people to spend a lot of time with themselves, from there. At the same time, laziness leads to negative thoughts, often inferiority. Mumbai -based event planners, Rachna Kapadia, said she often felt immersed in thinking during the isolation period at home. “Without a job for a few months, I often feel that I have no purpose to live. My hybrid. I feel like time is passing and I can’t do anything. The least recognized are psychological disturbances in the Millennials generation. They are confused about uncertainty around their career path, social life is temporarily paused, isolation and replacement of direct and tangible communication with the screen of all of this. has contributed to increasing despair and depression in young people. Our and active as Rai explained: Although there is absolutely no easy solution to find the appropriate way of life, the implementation of a few small steps will help you bring your desires, Orient your thoughts in a positive direction. Coutinho suggested: “At the same time, it is important to know that the negative feeling is not abnormal or disturbing. Time “. Do you know? The crisis in life, according to the report of the International Journal on behavioral development, is recorded in 39% of men and 49% of women.

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Signs you are in crisis in life

1. You do not know what to do with your life and are trying to find out what is missing 2. You have difficulty making decisions and feel paralyzed when facing options 3. You lack motivation (fatigue and sleep is often part of the cause) .4. You feel the tension between choosing an adventure life (YOLO) and stabilizing life (maturity) 5. You are worried that your colleagues have understood everything and you are left behind 6. You have a rebellious attitude because you want to be cared for but also want to be free 7. It is impossible to understand what to do with your life or completely lost in trying to find exactly what is missing. 8. You tend to panic every time someone asks you to commit to doing something 9. You do not understand why you are still not happy, despite all your achievements 10. Whether it is too many social networks, drug abuse or watching TV for hours, you find a way to get rid of reality.

The comments of Kanchan Rai, mental health coach and clinical psychologist Priyanka Varma.

Strategy to overcome crisis

1. Disconnect from social networks may be the first solution in this case. 2. Expand your awareness about energy and attention you are giving those negative thoughts. Try and eliminate them. 3. Write down your thoughts. This activity can act as a therapy. 4. Make a sense of consciousness to receive what you appreciate 5. Use the affirmation. Every morning when I wake up, you must feel grateful to the new day. Try meditation and any kind of physical exercise. 7. Conveies your emotions to those who are really importantLuke Coutinho’s comments, coach on comprehensive lifestyle

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