Eye shape personality test: Your eyes can reveal these secrets about you

The saying that the eyes are the windows to the soul is true. The eyes are the most revealing feature of the face and can convey information about a person’s personality. The concept has some merit even though it is not an exact science. What do your eyes, almond shaped or upturned, say about you? The following personality qualities are associated with various eye shapes.

Big eyes

Your eye size dictates how you perceive your environment and how you react to it. Larger eye size is associated with openness, enthusiasm and creativity. People with wider eyes tend to act more emotionally and less logically.

Small eyes

Small eyes are a sign of a more logical and calculating person. You are hyper-focused without being easily distracted, as your smaller eyes indicate. How you spend your life is of the greatest importance logically, intellectually and functionally. The notion that more people with smaller eyes are distant and cold is untrue because emotions come after reason. You are not heartless just because you don’t let your emotions control your life.


People with round eyes tend to be more imaginative. This personality is closely related to people with big eyes because they both pay great attention to emotions. If emotions are not controlled, this increased imagination can lead to moodiness and unrealistic thinking. You draw attention to yourself through your eyes.

Almond-shaped eyes

Almond-shaped eyes are associated with a higher tendency to be cautious. This is not necessarily a bad thing as they are often associated with kindness and optimism. Since it’s simpler to stay calm in stressful situations when you’re prepared, exercising discretion actually promotes a more balanced life. This particular eye shape conveys a unique temperament that attracts others.

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Eyes point up and down

The final sign of personality is the angle of the eyes. People with upturned eyes are driven and ambitious, and most people around them think they are extroverts. It’s hard to differentiate between being considered conscientious and being selfish because of the desire to constantly improve. These people tend to let ambition dictate their behavior. People with slanted eyes tend to be more dependent and reserved. Despite the fact that you get along with most people, if left unchecked, your pessimistic personality can become a problem.

Deep-set or prominent eyes

People with deeper eyes tend to have more passionate and private features. Although they appear to be transparent, they also have mysterious qualities. They like to keep their true feelings hidden and only share them with people who are very close to them. Eyes bulging out of their sockets show that the person is warm and compassionate. They often display an extroverted personality but have a nervous and gloomy nature.

Close your eyes and open them wide

Tightly closed eyes are a sign of a traditionalist and someone who is comfortable with the status quo. These people are not as eager to change as others. Extreme focus and discipline are symptoms of this rigidity and regimen. Although you may not be impulsive, you will feel secure and comfortable with the way your life is going. Closely closed eyes are somewhat the opposite of widely spaced eyes. A wider eye gap often indicates a more adaptable and impulsive person. They just lack the need for order and find satisfaction in the adventure of life and the unknown.

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