Experts talk about the patient’s right to confidentiality while seeking therapy

The world is considered in horror as a late actor Sushant Singh RajputThe therapist revealed his own details about his mental illnesses in an interview with a famous journalist. The indignation on the internet when netizens called her to violate the privacy and security of customers. We believe our therapists with all personal and private details about our lives – right from childhood, to relationships, financial failures – this means meaning is for diagnosis and therapeutic plan. If these experts can easily go out and tell people about our situation, we will not feel safe when searching for therapy and then sharing Harshwardhan, 21, who once had to confront. Face with a similar situation. Experts also felt that such violations of experts in this field added discrimination around mental health. In our country, there are still a lot of stigma associated with the search for professional help when it comes to mental illness, due to our cultural influence, sometimes it takes a lot of efforts for the individual. Accept that they may have specific conditions. And security acts as a foundation for therapy, when such people approach experts, add a clinical psychologist Sukanya Ray.

Consequences of Sushant’s violation

What happened in the case of Sushant is a violation in the security terms of customers from the end of therapists. This is a legal violation as well as the morality of the right to be confidential according to the 23rd paragraph of the Mental Health Care Act in 2017. And without a psychiatrist, psychologist or licensed adviser. Can play around with this forensic mental illness at Nimhans Bangalore. The community of psychiatric health students was also very angry because of this violation. At a time when our country only opens up dialogue related to health and mental health, such incidents act as an obstacle for any progress we have achieved for So far, psychologist Niharika Thakkar said. Concerns about the practice of mental health treatment in this country began to be suspected because people who have faced such conditions also feel cornered. An individual was mentioned me about therapy when he was developing a suicide trend. His friend told me that he would call me for advice, but I still haven’t received a call from him, because the friend revealed his personal way of losing faith in the therapy after According to Sushant’s case. To notify customers of security in writing or verbal format recorded at the beginning of the treatment sessions. Every patient, alive or dead has the right to security. Despite the exceptions to the terms, but in every case, an expert can reveal the privacy and secret details of the patient’s condition and treat the media and the public and the public. In the big one recalled Dr. Math. The violation of security is a criminal act that can be punished can lead to a minimum of six months to two years in prison or a fine until the lakh year Rupee.

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When a therapist can reveal your private details:

– Procedure or law enforcement, it cannot be a public statement

‘Agree is the key even when details need to be revealed’: experts

When a situation arises, in which the secret details should be revealed due to one of the conditions mentioned above, the therapist must search for the consent from the patient in the file, even if in Dinh. In writing or verbally, add doctor Suresh. And in the case of a dead person, what to do? This is a complex problem now, because the mental health care law only allows people to have mental illness. However, if a legal agency or agency prescribes the expert approach, then they can only share information in accordance with the case, again without revealing it with the media. He added. For adolescents, Ray refers to the Viking’s consent is searched from legal guardians, if there is a request for exceptions. But even the guard is informed that certain aspects of therapy will remain private between therapists and adolescents. Security, along with anonymous, free sessions and biased bias are the pillars where the patient’s trust is built. Only after that, we can handle the alarming issues of mental health in our country, ending Thakkar.

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