#COVID-19: Are you guilty of doomscrolling?

Therefore, many people constantly surf the news related to Covid-19 pandemic that cannot stop themselves. It is called doomsurfing. The situation of Covid-19 is definitely one of the main topics of the discussion worldwide. You wake up and be welcomed by new statistics, updates of -mining vaccines, safety norms and new hot spots. And although it is impossible to isolate yourself from all that excessive covid information, rolling or surfing too much because it may have adversely affect you, and say a lot of people find themselves doing this. All time had an official name in the pandemic – Doombrolling! Also known as Doomsurfing, the phenomenon of describing an almost obsessive need to surf the negative or bad news, increasing the tension in your mind. You woke up this morning and did this? You are not alone.picNitin JHA, a businessman from South Mumbai, recalled how Covid-19 was afraid of him in March and he would find himself seeking every detail about it. I will surf until 2 am, sometimes wake up and start again. You may call me a sabotage of that issue, but a few months ago, the pandemic information came up with all the other thoughts. I also became very tense about it, and found it difficult to sleep. I think I only diminish over time. For Sanya HaQ, housewives are based in Bandra, the situation is the same. I was very good at the case of increased, infection, society, everything, she said. I have two children and I worry about them more than myself. Locked made it worse and I constantly came Twitter And Facebook To search for updates on this topic. After one point, I thought that reading all these bad news made me feel extremely low. I had to be aware that I didn’t let myself from reading too much about it. have seen an increasing number of people who have ‘no results’. Surprisingly, many of them are not codid patients. The affected people who have handled it better because of previous advice or medicine, but those who do not, are receiving a report on relatives, colleagues and their friends infected, and continuously Worry about Covid-19. They want to learn about the instructions to continue changing and updating the case. Is there a vaccine? What is its effect? I will receive a bed if I get Covid? How the bills should be paid, etc. … All of this causes a cognitive problem in the mind. Therefore, it is not only afraid of the disease that affects people, but also the amplification of the information that is constantly thrown around. What is added is the common troubles when going out with friends and not available, so the search for endless information has become a peach game. …

  • First, limit your screen time.
  • Understand that there are many things out of your control, so don’t worry about them. “Will I get Covid?” The answer is, I don’t know. So, why do you have to worry?
  • The next thing is, if I was infected, would I be cured? The answer is, yes, 95 percent of the time everyone is cured. Take preventive measures in your hand such as using masks and disinfectants and keeping social distance.
  • Stay here and now. We don’t know about the future and the past has disappeared, so just do what you need in the present.
  • Do not determine with the victims. If you do so, you may feel more painful due to too much empathy and can give up that feeling. Also, remember what happened to them may not happen to you.
  • Only follow reliable sources. Stay away from non -scientific advice.
  • Replace the habit of constantly checking your phone with a hobby or an activity.
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Determined as … A dictionary defined by use is: the trend of continuing to surf or roll through bad news, although that news is very sad, unsuccessful or depressed.

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