Coronavirus | How To Deal Covid Anxiety: Mental health tips to deal with COVID anxiety |

The second wave of the pandemic has affected us in different ways. It not only adds fear but also affects our minds mentally and emotionally. In fact, as studies have shown, there may be a mental health pandemic that we are facing with serious risks facing, with increasing rates of stress and depression, Reported across India in recent months. Stress and anxiety are also factors that harm our health and can weaken our immune system. Therefore, troublesome issues, requirements for help in important times like this should not be easily overlooked. We talked to Mimansa Singh Tanwar, Leader of Clinical Psychology, Department of Mental Health and behavioral Science, Fortis Hospital to share some easy tips to control anxiety in times of times. This challenge. Manage your anxiety in these difficult times.

#Lifelineseries: Advice on mental health to deal with concerns about Covid

Why are so many people stressed now? Is the worry about Covid increasing? According to Mimansa Tanwar, anxiety and stress are the natural emotions of the human that we have to go through now, because as a community, we have never prepared for such a pandemic. . the Coronavirus The pandemic has influenced each of us and changed almost everything in our daily lives. The instability surrounding the situation also adds to our fear. Everyone has formed fear in the mind about infection and transmits it to their loved ones. There is also a series of continuous news that shows the number of infections and horrific data on pandemic in India. How do you cope with anxiety now? Although the virus can take a long time to disappear, we all have to learn how to manage stress and worry more in mindfulness. Psychologist adds that although mental health issues should be given priority immediately, it is important to understand that people must accept the fact that anxiety and stress in the period of time. Certain space is a natural experience. Instead of thinking too much about stress, people have to put stress in having a little time for the ego and taking care of themselves. Enjoying activities comfortably, things that make you happy will help release dopamine – happy hormone to help fight stress and anxiety. Practicing behaviors suitable for Covid such as wearing a mask and maintaining physical distance can also be helpful. Science has proven that when taking appropriate preventive measures, you will feel a lot more confident when you can take good care of your health and your loved ones. The advice to stay healthy during the blockade is important to maintain a reasonable sleeping habit because it helps improve concentration and productivity. A good sleep-good cycle has been shown to improve the problem solving skills and improve memory performance of both children and adults. People must try to avoid drinking, nicotine and products with too much caffeine because it can make them uncomfortable. There are studies that prove that the consumption of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine will hinder learning and productivity. Consuming too many such products will affect the human immune system. Physical exercises are also mandatory to stay physically and even mentally. When a person exercise daily, it brings mindfulness in their lives. Considering the current situation, it is important to enjoy the simple joys in the present. Keep in touch with family members and friends by organizing virtual meetings that can help you realize that ‘this will be over.’ What should you do if the worry about Covid is hindering your daily life? Do not keep your worries. Whenever you feel a fearful and worried thought in your mind, you have to mute yourself. It is important to talk to your friends or family members. If those thoughts are constantly haunting you, you must contact the expert. People must be mentally prepared to deal with situations when they occur and not react with them in fear.

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