Combating lockdown stress: People turn to yoga for better sleep, peace of mind

In her last interview with us, Erica Fernandes Sharing that she added meditation and yoga to the habit of locking her machine because it helps her stay calm and strong, both physically and mentally. She was not the only one to switch to yoga in the course. Many people even replaced their gyms with yoga when the lock was announced in March. After nearly three months, they said that physical physical fitness is only one of many reasons to practice yoga between great pandemic. International Yoga Day Today, some of these people share how yoga helps them in the course. Coronavirus The survivors shared that practicing yoga, especially Pranayam, (breathing exercises), helped them. Delhi’s first Covid-19 patient stated that making Pranayam very helpful in his recovery process and helped reduce anxiety. Yoga. I started practicing yoga again in March this year just because I knew that there were breathing exercises and Asana Yoga help boost immunity. I have made Kapalbhati, Singhasan and Anulom Vilom regularly. I felt stronger and better than before, vanndana said.

Kavita Kaushik performs some complicated Asana in the locking process

Kavita Kaushik Some complicated Asana in the process of Lockdown’Yoga helped improve the concentration and escape from indifference at home, many people are determined to undertake the tasks they have abandoned and worked as one of That and Yoga rescued many people. Divya Sharma, a product salesperson based in Delhi, started yoga for many reasons, she said, yoga yoga for beginners not hard, you do not feel exhausted after making them. Second, your body becomes more flexible and breathing exercises also help a person’s mental health. She added that her concentration was improved when she started practicing yoga.mayur Kishnani, a marketing expert at Delhi, said a yoga training session only 15-20 minutes a day to help him stay healthy and full of energy. For many years, I thought that I should work with my physical strength and start practicing yoga, but never doing it. When I started, I decided to follow the online instructions for 15-20 minutes and I noticed a change in just 20 days or longer. I will always feel sleepy at home, and I was surprised when I didn’t feel that when I practiced yoga often, Mr. Mayur said.Sushmita Sen

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Sushmita Sen has shared a lot of glimpse of her yoga posture since the start of the lock

Sushmita Sen Has shared a lot of glimpse of her yoga posture since the start of the game in’Yoga helped to worry and insomnia in the fashion designer based in Lockdown’rajouri Amit Talwar garden. Run during the lock. “My body does not react well to it. I started to face digestive problems and I could not sleep for four consecutive days. I became a insomnia. I discussed this to a friend, who asked me to practice yoga. I have been advised butterflies Asana, Surya Namaskar, Pranayam and Pawanmukt Asana. Yoga helps me relax and I can sleep well, Amit said.Amit Talwar

‘Yoga has helped me relax and I can sleep better’, Amit Talwar, a fashion designer

‘Yoga has helped me relax and I can sleep better’, Amit Talwar, a fashion designer, the gyms who have turned to yoga in the lock to realize that more physical physical strength, Yoga helps to reduce anxiety, this is very important right now. We all know the difficult times we are facing. Without socialization, some people can’t even meet their families, some people worry about their work and we hear a lot of worrying news throughout the day. When I started practicing yoga in April, I realized that a person really felt positive and happy after doing it. I am sure that even when the gym reopened, I would continue to practice yoga, Surabhi Sahay, Mumbai -based marketing expert.

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