Chinese dementia test. Can you find the child in the marsh?

The wisdom of the Chinese people has no limits, their worldview is different from the worldview of other inhabitants of our planet. At the same time, the sayings of ancient Chinese sages are accepted as truth around the world.

What did the ancient Chinese know that still forces us to return to the sayings of these sages today?

It’s simple. In ancient China, wisdom was the most important social virtue alongside generosity and courage. The sage is a symbol of correctness and honesty, of inner peace and balance. Furthermore, Chinese sages were quite successful psychologists. With their words, they can change a person’s fate and life, drawing them to the “peak”.

Today, modern Chinese people honor the memory of their ancestors but still live according to the rules of modernity. However, some Chinese followers of Qin Shi Huang came up with various ways to investigate a person’s real age.

For example, the famous 20th century Chinese thinker Wen Mui proposed the following method to evaluate people’s true age. In one painting, he painted a swamp with two herons standing in it. And he wrote the following (literally): “Your age will be shown more clearly by the fact that you were young but have forgotten your childhood. So remember that if you are still young; find the child in the swamp.”

Translated into modern terms, the riddle of this riddle is as follows: In this picture there is a child, but only those who are not too old can find it.

Of course, it is not physical age but mental age. So can you find the child in the picture?

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