Challenge: Find the lonely shoe which doesn’t have a pair within 10 seconds!

This is a super fun challenge for you to try with your friends. So, put aside all distractions and focus on your shoes. Not your shoes! But the ones given in this image.This crafty painting includes 15 separate pairs of shoes. All but one can be combined with another shoe to create a pair. Your task here is to find a single shoe without a pair. Before you start, let us tell you that you are under the clock. Well, you only have 10 seconds to solve this viral challenge. The color palette and different shapes and sizes in this illustration make it complex. Are you ready? Your time starts now!10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..time is up!Can you find it ? It would be great if the answer is YES. However, if not, you can check the solution below and better luck next time!

Finding Shoes: The Solution

The shoe has no iron pink Wedges are mainly worn by women. It is located at the top left and circled in the image below.3If that’s too easy, here are some more fun puzzles and optical illusions to challenge yourself:

Here are some FAQs about optical illusions:

  1. What does optical illusion mean? Something that tricks your eyes and makes you think you see something that isn’t really there or see it differently than it actually does.
  2. Are illusions good for the brain? By training our ability to see through misleading context, we can train our brains to be more accurate when interpreting images.
  3. What are the 3 types of optical illusions? There are three main types of optical illusions: perceptual illusions, literal illusions, and physiological illusions.
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