Brain teaser: Play detective and find the thief who stole a wallet from this store |

Brain teaser: Play detective and find the thief who stole a wallet from this store |
Do you like brain teasers? This brain teaser is designed to test your intelligence and provide a fun challenge. In ...
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Midlife Blues: Differentiating Between Menopausal Symptoms and Depression |

Midlife Blues: Differentiating Between Menopausal Symptoms and Depression |
Midlife is a period of significant change for many women, marked by physical, emotional and hormonal transitions. It is not ...
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Optical Illusion: Can you spot the flower in this picture in 5 seconds? |

Optical Illusion: Can you spot the flower in this picture in 5 seconds? |
An image that messes with your visual perception by making you perceive something other than its intended meaning is called ...
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Optical Illusion: This ‘accurate’ personality test can reveal your fear factor |

Optical Illusion: This 'accurate' personality test can reveal your fear factor |
This optical illusion serves as a test to gauge whether the viewer cares too much about the opinions of others ...
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‘Life flows on’: Vishaal Nityaanand’s movie aims to sensitize people on Alzheimer’s disease |

‘Life flows on’: Vishaal Nityaanand’s movie aims to sensitize people on Alzheimer’s disease |
The screening of Director Vishal Nityaanand’s ‘Life Goes On’ marked the celebration of World Alzheimer’s Month in an event organized ...
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Optical Illusion: Space optical illusion: Find a musical note hiding in this starry image |

Optical Illusion: Space optical illusion: Find a musical note hiding in this starry image |
Optical illusions are captivating images or scenes that can manipulate your brain’s rational thinking and visual perception. They often make ...
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Optical illusion reveals your personality traits: Kindness vs. workaholic

Optical illusion reveals your personality traits: Kindness vs. workaholic
Recently, an optical illusion captivated the Internet, providing insights into an individual’s true nature: Are they kind and empathetic souls ...
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New dementia risk score that can help identify disease chances early

New dementia risk score that can help identify disease chances early
According to Stanford Medicine, preventing dementia remains challenging due to the condition’s many different and often unknown causes. However, for ...
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Brain Teaser: Only the sharpest brains can find the number 9 in under 20 seconds

Brain Teaser: Only the sharpest brains can find the number 9 in under 20 seconds
Brain tests are a fun way to sharpen our observation skills and improve decision making. This is a puzzle that ...
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Optical Illusion: You have hawk eyes if you can spot the stick in the grass |

Optical Illusion: You have hawk eyes if you can spot the stick in the grass |
The challenge is to find a well-camouflaged insect hidden in this image in less than 20 seconds. Experts say that ...
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