Where is the bird? This pointless and useless test is liked by people of a certain age.

On Lisa’s birthday, her parents gave her a Snow Bunting pet. This is a quite rare bird, only found in ...
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If you can find the hidden rabbit the image in less than nine seconds, you are the puzzle champion!

Search and Locate Puzzles for our dear readers who have eagle eyes. In nine seconds, a rabbit in a skiing ...
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Need to help the hunter find the lion. Where is the lion in the picture?

The human brain is a super powerful computer capable of performing a large number of tasks, including quickly orienting itself ...
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I see the boy, I see the girl, but I don’t see the duck. How about you?

The children lived in a small urban-style settlement called “Zaprudinsk”. Their parents were ordinary farmers and the event took place ...
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In just ten seconds, identify the three differences between the images of the ostrich and its eggs!

Find the difference is a very popular game today, available on the internet for both children and adults. The goal ...
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