We are living in a panic world. Only different levels. With novels Coronavirus Becoming a pandemic with very few signs of continuing, even the most calm of us lives with daily worries. We can have a better time now-with most of us working at home or under self-esteem in our daily life with anxiety? Thinking about that, our current health paranoia-we have lived constantly every day for a while. In general, our fear has been raised over the years. Everything we see starting to feel true – like it is happening right outside our front door. From a tweet of Corona virus to the uncertainty of economy, riots to stress headlines, daily troubles to work with the pressure of everyone, everyone must lose their minds. Onomics (or science of calm) in our time. While gathering at home for pandemic, we should probably start introverted about isolating ourselves from worrying about the longer. You control your thoughts and coaches, Dr. Saloni Singh tell us how to go back to it. Choose a reaction that is conscious with panic outside. Limit the use of social media. Use it carefully. Do everything to allow the feeling of happiness. Perhaps just sitting and enjoying a cup of tea before the next feeling overwhelmed you, she said. Finally, our view is the most powerful thing we can control in a situation beyond our control. Come to your own experts to have some ideas. Now we are mostly at home, we can give them all a shot and see which one is right for us. For example, Moser suggests everyone to talk to themselves! The third person talks can be used on the board to soothe our nerves when you predict a stressful event. Psychologist Jeffrey Ned, PhD, proposes a simple experiment: Take 60 seconds to keep your mind completely empty when you are super tense. While Moksha is a long way, we can learn how to still mind. Because like someone said: Our thought is the only barrier between us and the problem can occur. Participating in today’s psychology, some people keep calm relatively easily while others become super fast. And to keep calm, people have different hobbies – exercise, drugs, shopping, meditation, prayer, chat – different solutions from people to people. A brain dump! Ravneet Gandhok’s life coach believes what actually acts is writing. She received negative thoughts out of her head – writing a diary basically bringing herself a ‘brain yard’, she explained. Dr. Ramon Lamba, a doctor of metaphysical and human psychology, said, everything in the universe has energy, and everything in the universe is vibrating at different frequencies. Keeping a high frequency environment within our bodies-mental, emotional and physical face-help us face the attack of bad news with relatively calm attitude. How to keep a high frequency environment within our bodies? Practice this: Do not plug into fear itself. Easy to say, you can say. But once you are aware of the fact that you will not be afraid, you will remember to tell yourself that you don’t give in when you feel scared. Lamba also asked us to keep our thoughts positive by armed for information from the authentic sources. It is important to keep your emotional state happy and ‘premium’. Science has proven that when we are in a state of high fluctuations, our brain will release some chemicals that help us build our immunity, she said. Having good health to calm down quickly at the time of extremely stressful stress. The affirmation also helps. Continue to tell myself, I’m safe, I’m healthy, my body immunity is very high. Dr. Lamba, when the storm outside cannot control, all you can do is to strengthen your home so that the storm does not cause any damage. Humming is one of the ways that your brain produces a lot of nitric oxides, mainly called laughter. Look at Italy and Spain. They all sing out of the balcony to keep themselves happy while entertainment for others. Psychologist Stephen Kull once said that human instincts survived were strong, but the instinct to reduce anxiety was even stronger. Recognizing your fear first to reduce anxiety is to realize the specific things that disturb our peace and calm feeling. Sales coach Pakroo said, for many people, worried about the money to create stress, for others, it is a conflict with spouses, friends or colleagues. For others, health worries can quickly go beyond control. Whatever your activation, it is very important to recognize them. This may seem strange but Pakroo says it is essential that it is a time to allow these dark feelings to run in mind because it supports us to learn about our activating factors, and finally. Find a way not to get stuck with it. Sitting awake with negative feelings that can reduce their strength, she said. Only sweat! Regular exercise is widely recognized as a positive effect on the mood and emotion. Add Pakroo, also remember that others’ energy has a significant impact on us, both positive and negative. If you are going through a period of worry, try not to spend time for those who make your worries. Be honest with yourself about how others make you feel. Make it a point to spend time with those who make you feel loved and safe. The energy developed at the end of the day, the conversation we have most with ourselves – in our minds. Therefore, it is time to change our personal story. It is time to promote internal happiness by starting action, regardless of whether small or large. This time felt scary, partly, because of our helpless feeling. Dr. Peyush Bhata, coach of life, understands that energy develops in a concentrated place. Move your concentration from the negative in your life to what is positive. Stop thinking about the stories ‘if’. Bring your attention back to this moment. Be calm is a difficult job. But it must be done. The best hazmat outfit in this paranoia is how we choose to treat ourselves. Be calm and take care of yourself: This is the time to heal the maximum mind. You will be surprised at the level of regular thoughts and emotions that the most significant revelation turned out to be the result of insufficient food or sleep. Limit contact with social media: The American Psychology Association advises people: from the 24 -hour news cycle that makes you stressed, limit your media consumption. Adjustment to adjust in.reframe your experience, instead of viewing negative inputs is a bad thing. Move your focus from ‘they are sharp, it makes me worried’ into ‘I can handle it. ‘Accept, don’t resist: A lot of stress increases from trying to fight everything. The memorable thing is that the anxiety and the same feeling are quite appropriate reactions, normal reactions, for completely abnormal things that are happening. Gairing ga