Brain teaser : Only those with high IQ can clear this traffic jam

Brain puzzles have the ability to promote creativity in many different skills while thinking and problem solving. They involve creativity to find solutions and also have the ability to improve their art, creative writing abilities and exercise their minds in games. When you continuously solve these types of puzzles or brain teasers, you will continuously come across shapes and patterns that help improve your overall memory power. Some studies also show that brain puzzles improve performance and overall cognitive function, thereby reducing the severity of brain damage and Alzheimer’s disease. In this image, you can see cars yellow and blue are standing in a four-lane cross section, creating traffic. To deal with quiet traffic, a car needs to change lanes and steer because it is the vehicle’s fault. Now, your job is to find the car and solve the puzzle. But remember that you only have 20 seconds to solve the problem.

Brain teasers are activities that primarily allow us to think creatively and help us find solutions. They combine fun with critical thinking to sharpen intelligence in children and adults alike. Therefore, playing with puzzles, riddles and puzzles helps train the thinking process, further helps with critical thinking, problem solving and listening skills, improving one’s creativity. we.

Artificial intelligence can blur the lines between film and reality.

Now, back to the Brain teaser, if you already have the answer then pat yourself on the back, and for those who are still struggling, we have the answer and explanation with us. Most people guessed that car #1 should be moved to allow traffic to flow, which is correct. If yellow car number 1 backs up, the other cars on his left can move forward to clear the roadblock, and the intersection will be clear in just a few seconds.

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