Brain Teaser: Only those with a genius IQ can find the lone element in this picture that is without a pair |

Halloween season is approaching, and instead of spooks and scares, how about we test your brain with a fun riddle? Here it is:scary-high-iq-solving-difficult-850322338 (1)

(Source: The Sun)

Halloween is the time to step in holiday mentally, but here’s a brain teaser that will really get those mental gears moving. Your task is to find the mysterious element that has no counterpart in this picture. But there’s a catch—you only have 2 minutes to spot it. Are you ready? Time starts now: Go! Think it will be a piece of cake. Think again, because there are over 120 characters listed here! For all the puzzle enthusiasts out there, your task is to identify the strange element that has no suitable counterpart in this image. You will meet goblins, jack-o-lanterns, vampires, etc. in this grid. Although this challenge may seem difficult, it will become easy once you overcome it. And if you find it a bit too difficult, here’s a little hint: This element is something that can be worn and is also famous in the Harry Potter series as the “Sorting Hat”.

Did you manage to spot it? If yes, congratulations! You have the eyes of a hawk. If you can’t find it, don’t worry; We’ve circled the answer below:


(Source: The Sun)

So do you like this quiz? Be sure to check out more of these tricky puzzles on our website and keep practicing to beat your own time!

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