Brain Teaser: Find the Odd Girl in 4 Seconds!

Brain teasing is one of the most popular puzzle games to check the critical thinking and the ability to solve problems. In these games, readers are tested for their intelligence, logical thinking skills and criticism and their intelligence.

Regularly solve such challenging riddles to enhance intelligence, and enhance concentration and concentration.

Are you ready to check your brain?

Then find the odd girl.


Check IQ: You have IQ 140+ if you can find the missing number in 5 seconds!

Brain teaser: Find the odd girl

Source: Brightside

The image shared above describes an image of 8 girls.

While all looks the same at first sight.

They don’t.

One of the girls is different from others.

The challenge of readers is to discover that odd girl in 4 seconds.

This will be a good test of your observation skills.

Your time starts now!

Check the image carefully.

Have you discovered the odd girl?

Those who have the highest visual skills can find the odd girl faster than other readers.

Look at the last one.


Time has risen.

Stop searching now.

How many of you have discovered the odd girl?

Congratulations to those who discover the odd girl; You have very thoughtful eyes and a sharp brain.

Those who cannot find Apple can check the solution below.

Image of IQ puzzle test: Find two errors in the picture in 10 seconds!

Brain teaser with solution

The odd girl is the sixth person.

If you like to solve this optical illusion puzzle, remember to try some more challenges from our proposed reading below.

See also  Common signs we mistake as the beginning of dementia

Proposal to read

Image puzzle challenge: Only Eagle Eyes can find showers for 6 seconds!

Discovering the difference: Spot 3 the difference between the girl riding a bicycle image for 18 seconds!

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