Brain teaser: Find 4 words related to ‘reading’ hidden in this picture

(Photo source: Bright Side) Solving tricky puzzles regularly can help boost your memory. Brain teasers are fun games and puzzles that may be impossible to solve unless you use creative thinking. These can be challenging enough to leave you confused and without any solution if you try to approach them with your common sense. Instead, the key to solving brain puzzles is to think ‘clearly’. This is one of the unique and fun brain puzzles for you to try. Your challenge is to find four words related to reading hidden in this picture. The picture shows two people reading, but your task is to find words or vocabulary related to the act of reading.1A conscious mind can identify all the hidden words within 10-15 seconds. If you can’t solve it in a short time, you should still test your skills and patiently find a solution without jumping to the answers below. Even if you find some words, you’re still close to the finish line. Since this is a tricky puzzle, don’t expect to find the solution right away. Carefully analyze each element of the image and you will soon be able to decode the hidden words. After completing the challenge, you can cross-check your answers using the solution shared below.

Brain Teaser: Solution

Here is the solution for 4 words hidden in the picture:21. STORY – Write through the hair of the woman in the picture.2. READ – Write over the sofa in picture.3. BOOK – Write about the dog in the picture.4. WORDS – Written through the dress of the child in the photo. If you enjoyed solving this tricky puzzle then here are other similar stories you might like:

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