Anxiety Attack: Here’s how an anxiety attack feels like |

Do you remember the time you feel worried before the exam or feel scared before the results? The feeling of fear, anxiety, fear and stress is called anxiety. Worry is that our body’s natural reaction to danger and may occur due to anxiety about an event or incident such as taking a new job, taking a exam or any exam or any. What other important event in life. Mild worries can really be beneficial in motivating someone to work or overcome difficulties in difficult situations, but when it starts to affect someone’s daily activities, it will become harmful and need it. resolved.

What is an anxiety attack?

When this feeling of fear, anxiety and anxiety becomes excessive and begins to invade an individual, creating a loss of connection between the body and the mind, it is called anxiety. An anxiety can be activated by an approaching event and it grows gradually over time. The fear and tensions rising throughout the body when anxiety attacks. Those who face anxiety are also those who feel anxious daily about situations in everyday life. Anxiety can sometimes act as a sign of hidden anxiety disorders. Anxiety symptoms may vary in different people, leaving us with many physical and mental symptoms. Some physical symptoms include:

  • Tachycardia
  • Shortness of breath
  • ventilation
  • Increase sweating
  • Shake and vibrate
  • Dry -mouthed
  • Restless
  • Chest pain
  • Feeling like choking
  • Feeling dizzy
  • chills
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas or acid
  • Muscle tension or muscle pain
  • Feeling tingling
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Insomnia

Some mental symptoms include:

  • Intense fear
  • Extreme tension
  • worry
  • Feeling empty mind
  • Feeling uncomfortable
  • Feeling losing the connection between the body and the mind
  • Feeling of loss of control
  • worry
  • Difficult to focus or think
  • Feeling need to get rid of everything
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Different people may face the different combinations of the above symptoms when experiencing anxiety. To know if someone is going through anxiety or not, one should observe the person who may suddenly feel uncomfortable. You will feel tension or fear that overwhelms the pain and it can last from a few minutes to a few hours. He will panic and need some relaxing techniques to calm down. If the panic is serious, the patient may need a doctor. Many people often confuse anxiety and panic. Both have similar symptoms but there are some differences between the two types. To distinguish between anxiety and panic, one needs to understand that: 1. Anxiety often occurs due to an activation factor – an event or an event that can make a person worried, fear or fear. They have a reason that may cause stress or endanger the attacker. Panic attacks often occur suddenly without even the presence of activated factors. 2. The anxiety is slowly developing when the event is close. The anxiety begins to grow when the event approaches and reaches its peak when the event is about to occur or when it is happening. The panic attacks occur without warning and suddenly occurred. There is no clear reason for a panic attack. 3. In anxiety, the feeling of anxiety, fear and fear filled the human mind along with certain physical symptoms but in the case of panic, physical symptoms are often much more serious than With anxiety and that person becomes completely unconscious. -control. The panic involves the most realistic fear at the highest level that the person who experienced it may think that he will die. Whether it is anxiety or panic, it may be a sign of a hidden anxiety. If the feeling of tension and fear overwhelms you to the point of hindering your daily life, it’s time for you to see a doctor. Evading to such problems can only make symptoms worse, so one has to seek help when there is still time.

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