An escaped dog came home and even rang the doorbell himself

The amazing adventures of her pet Raji were shared online by American Mary Lynn. Girl couldn’t find her dog after fireworks were set off in her neighbor’s yard.

Like most of his relatives, Rajah is afraid of fireworks because of their loud sound. Her worried owners searched the surrounding area for hours until they were able to identify the fugitive. A distraught Lynn asked for help on social media.

In the morning, the doorbell rang. Sitting in front of the door was “missing”. When the dog’s owners watched the surveillance footage, it became clear that they had no one in particular to thank. The person who rang the bell was not a kind person but Raja!

She followed instructions: she rang the bell, moved away from the camera to see clearly, and quietly waited for the door to open. Now the owners wonder when their dog will have time to learn this. Raja was never instructed on how to use the bell.

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