A difficult IQ puzzle to find out how good your detective skills are!

We are constantly looking for circumstances and methods to reduce the mental stress we endure every day. In this regard, visual tests certainly stand out among the many forms of virtual entertainment that are increasingly popular on social networks among both children and adults.

They come in a variety of formats and levels of difficulty, allowing each player to choose the ideal game according to their preferences and cognitive abilities. We are happy to present you one such quiz, which will test your detective skills. A puzzle to solve, a victim to identify, and a perpetrator to identify.

It’s a tough challenge, especially when you only have 15 seconds to unravel the mystery.

The following set of suggestions need to be dissected and carefully considered. These hints will help you accurately identify both the murder victim and the offender. Five of the potential offenders shown in the image were considered in this particular conundrum.

The victim’s death yesterday is all the information we know.

Dan: Yesterday, the man in the orange shirt and one of the unlucky men ran a marathon;

According to Mike, before moving to the city, the man in blue was a farmer; Jeff, the young man in a suit and tie, works as a computer consultant and will assist Ben in installing a new computer next week. They collaborated to design and build a computer; Jack: The adult in blue lives alone and is the offender’s sibling; Ben: The man in the lime green shirt met Jack six months ago.

The offender is a man without legs.

Don’t worry if you’re still in the dark after looking at the six suggestions. Another little advice for you: “Dan, the marathon runner, cannot get involved in this situation.”

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Now, all you have to do is return to the mystery image and try to solve it in the remaining fifteen seconds. Good luck!

Dan was first ruled out because in addition to the six signs, the culprit’s missing leg was mentioned. Given that he had run a marathon the day before, it was reasonable to rule him out as a suspect in this particular situation. Jack has not talked to anyone and lives alone.

Ben is still alive and in the process of setting up a new PC. They only met six months ago, so he is not Jack’s brother. So now it’s just Mike and Jeff left. Jeff will assist Ben in installing a new computer next week, which is why he’s still alive.

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