Optical illusion: Only a person with perfect vision can spot the second man on the island

Do you think you have a sharp vision and an eye for details? Well, this optical delusion will bring your observation skills into the final test! At first, you can only see a lonely man sitting on a deserted island, staring at the endless sea. But this is Twist, really a second man hidden in the image! Can you discover him? Optical delusions are attractive because they deceive our brain to see something different from reality. This special illusion challenges the way we interpret the image and prove that sometimes, we need a new prospect in the literal sense! Illusion (14)

Image credit: Jagranjosh

Look closely at the image. Most people will only notice a man sitting on the shore. But don’t give up too fast! The secret to discovering the second man lies in the way you see the picture. This is a suggestion: Try turning the image upside down. Why do optical delusions deceive us? Our brain has a wired to recognize the samples quickly, helping us to navigate daily life. But when doing so, sometimes we ignore the hidden details. Optical illusions take advantage of this by playing with contrast, darkness and depth to make us see things that are not really there or miss what is really! Have you discovered it?Illusion (15)

Image credit: Jagranjosh

If you rotate the image, the whole scene will change! What initially looked like a man stared at the sea now turned into a completely different thing. The second man hidden was really dipped in the negative space of the picture. His face appears as part of the outline of the original image, creating a smart dual image effect. Now you know the secret, share this challenge with your friends and family to discover the second man. It is an interesting way to see who has the sharpest vision and the fastest thinking skills. And if they struggle, you can impress them by revealing tricks!

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