5 zodiac signs that will benefit from the Mercury transit in Sagittarius

When we open the new year and pave the way for changes to occur, the solar system is also ready to make small adjustments in your life. Mercury began to move from Scorpion, where it was caught before entering Sagittarius’s house, this was the last fire sign of all the zodiac and was linked to factors such as philosophy and expansion. In transit, moving into Sagittarius’s house indicates energy changes and bringing your focus back to expand and explore.

Mercury will move to Sagittarius’s house on Wednesday, December 25, 2019 and continue to be placed there until January 13, 2020. The year and help you clarify the problem.

Astronomically, this transit means great news for everyone. However, changes in this position can be shown into positive and useful changes, if it includes your ruling zodiac. Check if you benefit from it!

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