Surprise Surprise! Stress can lead to some amazing social benefits

Stress starts in your mind but has a great impact on your health and health. It can weaken your immune system, causing high blood pressure, leading to depression, anxiety and in the worst case, it may have a negative impact even for your heart. Stress has achieved bad reputation for a reason. But not all types of stress are harmful to your health. A recent study showed that stress could lead to some incredible social benefits. Recent studies, causing too much stress is certainly harmful to health, but it may have some surprising social benefits. Recent research was published in the Journal of Stress & Health revealed that when a person is stressed, they are more likely to provide and receive emotional support from others. The trend is common on the day they encounter stress and even the following days. David Almeida from Pennsylvan State University with others, this is very important for human experience. For research, the researchers asked about 1,622 participants every night for eight nights. They asked them to recount the situation when they were stressed and whether they received or supported emotions. The final result ended the research, it was found that on average, people were able to provide or receive double emotional support during the days they undergo stressful factors. Moreover, they have the ability to provide and receive more than 26 % support on the other days. However, this effect is a bit different between men and women. Women are more likely to provide and receive support compared to men.

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