Sleep deprivation can give birth to unwanted thoughts: Study

The mundane meetings in our daily lives can remind us of some unpleasant experiences. For example, if you see a driving too fast, it can remind you of a car accident that happened to you or your relatives many years ago. But the good thing is that for most people, these people think that the invasion quickly overcome, but for people with mental illness such as stress disorder after injury (PTSD), these thoughts Can be repeated, uncontrollable and suffering. A new study has found that people with sleep deprivation may be more troublesome by such infringement thoughts. Research research from York University has tested the capabilities of participants to suppress infringing thoughts when they have a lack of sleep or good rest. It is found that sleepers have suffered an additional 50 % compared to unwanted thoughts compared to those who have a good night’s sleep. The ability to suppress all unwanted thoughts is really different among different people. But until now the factors that lead to this change are mystery. But this study shows that insomnia has a significant impact on our abilities to keep unwanted thoughts from our minds. Analysis for research, 60 healthy people learned how to connect faces with photos of negative emotions. After a night of sleep or lack of sleep, the participants were shown to the face and asked to suppress thoughts related to the scenes they were paired. Compared to the good sleep group, the participants who are lacking sleep are more difficult in keeping negative thoughts in the bay. On the other hand, the mission becomes easier for participants to rest better than those who do not sleep. Sleeping groups have seen more positive negative scenes after the oppressive mission and they also show a reduced sweat reaction when the negative scene is presented. Researching the ruling provides a deep insight on the impact of sleep on mental health. In addition to PTSD and depression, our findings can mean the understanding of other disorders related to sleep disorders such as murder and schizophrenia. Experts also propose that lack of sleep, followed by intrusion thoughts and emotional disorders, then poor sleep can create a vicious cycle.

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