Why positive wellbeing is the most valuable savings account

Happiness is not just the absence of illness or disease. It is a complex combination of an individual’s physical, mental, emotional and relational health. Our happiness and satisfaction are directly linked to it. In short, wellbeing can be described as how you feel about yourself and your life therefore, it is the need of the hour to start taking steps towards positive health. In the current situation, our working model makes us always ready and always available. We’re engaged in many different things at the same time so we may find ourselves tired and exhausted. Perhaps, it also happens that we may be looking for quick fixes and solutions to try and relieve the pressure. However, we all have limited time and resources and therefore it is important to start taking care of ourselves. Taking the following initiatives, we can take the first steps towards achieving positive health: becoming kinder to your lifestyle and the experiences we lead make we make us who we are. We all go through bad days, however, just being kind to yourself in those moments, encouraging efforts, rather than criticizing yourself can bring about a huge change in your life. our moods and emotions. Start treating yourself the way you would treat a friend in the same situation. Time spent outside for regular, active exercise has many benefits for your health. Not only does it lift our mood, but it’s also been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, help improve physical health, and give us more energy. So whatever your day, make time for an exercise regimen, be it any physical activity, yoga or meditation. Give your body a pleasant gift. Find an activity that you enjoy the most, and just do it. An alternative skill or take up a hobby some time during the day to find your expertise and start building it, start working on learning a skill you’ve always wanted to acquire Or take up a hobby as a friend most excited. Showing off your creativity, is always a positive step towards creativity. Creativity increases your confidence and helps you feel better. So by all means, enjoy yourself! Explore your creativity and imagination. Helping those around you can instill a sense of gratitude and help you feel better. One of the simplest ways to do so is to start helping around the house, supporting your family. This will not only make you feel good but will also make your relationship grow. You can also get involved with a community project, charity work or simply help someone you know. Along with benefiting others, you’ll be doing something worthwhile that can help you feel better about yourself. Time to take care of yourself and your concerns about your life, allowing you to relax and unwind. Something that works for you – different things work for different people, doing some relaxation and stress relief therapy or just breathing Not only does it affect your body but it also makes you lazy and lethargic. Eat breakfast, eat fruits and vegetables, eat healthy, drink water and eat regularly with an appetite that is always healthy. Wake up according to healthy sleep habits, which means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Stopping or limiting binge watching starts giving you a 10 second warning to wake up, as humans we tend to work on our own core beliefs, so make it strong stronger in a practical way. Connecting with others works on your relationship life by staying in touch with family and friends – communicating regularly and regularly with them. Always make an effort in a day to justify your relationship life. Focusing on seeing the bigger picture all brings our meaning to situations and seeing things from our perspective. We need to broaden our perspective and start looking at the bigger picture (‘Bird’s View’) which means instead of being stuck in a situation of trying to look at it from above, what meaning am I giving ? Is this fact or opinion? How will others see it? Are there any different ways of seeing this? What does it mean, or will it have in the future? What can I do right away that will help the most? How can I prioritize things now? This insight was given to me when I was stuck and it really came in handy and still helps. Acceptance: ‘It’s because we tend to fight against stressful thoughts and emotions, however, there are some situations we cannot change but we can learn to just pay attention to them and give up that struggle. We can let those waves pass instead of trying to stop them. The article was authored by Mansi SharmaSenior psychologist, rehabilitation psychologist & psychotherapist.

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