Mumbai: Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez at the launch of her character in the upcoming Kannada film ‘Vikrant Rona’ at Andheri in Mumbai. (PTI Photo) Being an overthinker is not easy. If you are such a person, you know what we are talking about. Frequent overthinking can affect one’s health. people emotionally and psychologically. We live in a society that despite many conversations still stigmatizes mental health issues. That’s the main reason why most people like to protect mental health issues address his mental health to avoid public scrutiny. Anxiety, fear, stress are considered normal reactions of a person to things that pose a threat, so seek professional help, actress Jacqueline Fernandes took to her social networks to shares a few positive affirmations that can help chronic thinkers. Here’s a list she shared on her Instagram story:I can’t control the past but I can control it. control the present moment. I have the power to conquer challenges the challenge that anxiety brings me. I tried my best today and tomorrow is a whole new day. I love and accept myself. My thoughts are not always reality. What is affirmation? You’ve probably heard the tremendous value people gain from positive affirmations. For those unfamiliar, affirmations are a self-help strategy that helps you believe in yourself and establish a positive mindset. Are affirmations effective? These affirmations can be as simple as ‘I believe I will succeed’. What it does is take your focus away from the impending failure you conjure up in your mind and shift it to an approach that helps you focus on your strengths. Affirmations have helped people change their thinking, and many avid followers have said that it has helped them achieve goals they previously told themselves they could never achieve. When we are multitasking and facing many problems, our brains sometimes begin to blur the difference between reality and imagination. This is where creating a mental image of what you are capable of doing helps through the means of positive affirmations. Read more:
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