Brain test: Who dies if ‘E’ pushes the stone? |

Brain tests are fun to try. Although it is difficult to get a straight and correct answer on the first try, it helps train the brain. In the image above, a person standing in position E is the focus of the question. There are four other people in the photo, standing in different positions. The person in question has the ability to throw the stone however it is unclear who it will kill once it starts rolling, although it is certain that someone will die when the stone rolls. There are several ways to interpret the question. To resolve the question, one needs to consider two things: the point at which the stone will be thrown and the density of the stone. According to one reddit user: “It won’t go through C because it’s clearly not as heavy as the other rock or whatever it is. Therefore, it’s impossible to push the spikes down to C.” Most users are debating the fate of D, who is right near E and in a position where his head will likely get in the way. of the rolling stone.Read: This silhouette of a running man could tell if your brain is male or femaleWhy is the answer D?” Obviously the ball near E does not have the same area as the ball below so we can safely assume C, B and A. Like the ball. I seems to have a diameter of 2 gives its perimeter 6.28~. If we assume that all the lines are perfectly spaced, then the triangle is 5 long (quick math with the 3, 4, 5 rule). about 3/4 of the way down the section seam. This sets the length from the ball to D as 6.25. Since the ball will only spin once before reaching D, he will die if the hollow is at the bottom to start then everyone will live, ” one person said. user.Read: WHAT you see first in this photo will determine what you feel insideWhy was D able to escape without injury?” The line is 5 units long (Pythagoras Theorem) and an additional unit is added (+1/2 unit from where the ball starts until it reaches the ramp and +1/2 units from where the ramp ends and D’s end begins) making the ball 6 units from D’s end The ball will rotate 6 units after 1.5 rotation, making the cutting line meet the tip of D,” another user explained.Read: The number of faces you find in this picture speaks to your observation skills; Find out if you are a keen observerWhy are others safe? That’s because the density of the rolled stone is less than where person C is lying. There is a low chance that the rolling stone can push the lever down and overtake the other stone to roll forward.

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